Art is a mixture of skill and risk. My contention is that both of these are required in order for it to be considered art.
At Least You Won’t Be Disappointed
Expectations vs. Reality: Expectation is a powerful force, and it puts a lot of pressure on Reality.
“I’ll be saying things you won’t believe but at least you won’t be disappointed.” From “Disappointed” by Michael Boezi, with “Live Liner Notes.”
Improving as an Author
How do you improve as an author? Speak, listen, and learn. Be persistent, and practice in the open.
You Know What Experts Say
An expert often knows way too much to properly communicate information to a layperson. Does that really make it a lie, though? Experts Lie by The Selectmen, with “Live Liner Notes.”
Elevating Indie Authors
We need to help independent authors elevate the quality of their work, remove the stigma, and celebrate the spirit independent artistry. It’s not just good for indie authors; it’s good for everyone.
Things I Might Say
As a performer, who has control over your creation—you or your audience?
“I’ll tell you anything that you want to know, but it’s not how things would be if I were running this show.” From “So Cold” by Michael Boezi, with “Live Liner Notes.”
On the (Internet) Radio
Two of my songs are featured this week on The D1Radio Hour, “Make Yourself Scarce” and “Downshift Dub.” Hooray for Internet radio!
Shiver Like You Mean It
The interplay between performer and audience is critically important. Start with an honest dialog, right from the first bar.
Opting Out: An Indie Musician’s Experience with iTunes and Spotify
My Experience with TuneCore: Why I Am Removing My Music From iTunes and Spotify.
Why I Write
Everyone has different reasons for writing. My inspiration came in a posthumous gift from my father.