Site icon Michael Boezi

Rewrite the Rules: Try Something New

Michael Boezi is a singer-songwriter who performs original songs about our culture's current challenges.

Thank you for listening, sharing, & taking part in my lifelong project. Connect (@mboezi):
YouTube | TikTok | Twitter | Insta | Venmo

Your support means everything.

If you are here to support me, thank you. You are amazing for considering direct support, in light of today’s music industry practices. Are you aware of Bandcamp or Patreon?

These are the best two methods to offer direct support.

1. Buy my latest single (Bandcamp):

All songs:

2. Provide ongoing support (Patreon): 

All access:

Or you can throw a tip in the tip jar:

Venmo   CashApp   PayPal


Streaming is great… for listeners. But…

The streaming model is exploitative to musicians. For instance:
You’d have to stream my new single every day for a year for me to get $1.
That’s not a typo. Spotify is ruthless and massively underpays artists.

I use Spotify, and you do too. But I also support other artists I value.

My goal with this set of songs is to use the privilege I have to share what I’ve learned – and especially what I’ve UNLEARNED. Spotlighting urgent social issues to invite reflection.

Again, the best way to sustain indie music is with direct support to artists:

Choose Tier: $1, $3, $5

We can rewrite the rules.


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