In preparation for releasing a series of brand new singles starting on 4/22/22, I have re-released my back catalog over the past few weeks. These are re-mastered versions with some bonus demo tracks included too.
Available on: Spotify, Pandora, Apple, Amazon, or Bandcamp
[Note: Patreon supporters gets free downloads of all past and future releases]
A number of years ago, I removed them because of the high annual fees for distribution. But I’ve been getting more serious about what I’m doing with my music – which requires that I’m on all the streaming platforms.
Those of you who know these releases may note that they are now collected under my name rather than different band names. This is strategic: I want everything to be consolidated and listed together, rather than scattered all over and hard to find. Spotify (and the other services) do little to help in new artist discovery. The algorithms heavily favor stuff you already know and like already. And if your data is cloudy to them, their default is to serve up stuff we’ve all heard before.
None of this is surprising – their primary goal is to keep you on the platform to serve you more ads (free user) or reduce churn (paid users). This recent article in the Atlantic reports that “old songs now represent 70% of the U.S. music market;” it’s really worthwhile if you haven’t read it yet: Is Old Music Killing New Music? by Ted Gioia.
Here’s another good article by Damon Krukowski in response to this piece: And the Band Played On: The Algorithmic Push Toward the Past.
With that, I know that I’m not going to get any help. It’s up to me to put myself in the best position I can to get heard. So I’m trying to do everything I can to build a strategy around my future plans.
Speaking of which, I’ll keep you posted if you like – subscribe here and I’ll email you when new stuff is available. My first single (Leaving) is ready, mastered, and queued for a release on 4/22/22. Then one in May, one in June, one in July, etc. We’ll see how long I can keep up that pace. But when each one drops, I want all my other stuff right there and available in case I catch someone’s interest.
Re-mastered with bonus demo tracks
Streaming Links: Spotify, Pandora, YouTube, Apple, Amazon
Or preview/download here on Bandcamp: