Site icon Michael Boezi


The world of digital media changes rapidly. It seems like every week, there’s a new platform or changes in how the existing ones work. As a practitioner, it’s my job to stay on top of all of these changes so that my clients don’t have to.

Even so, I don’t like to rely on assumptions. So from time to time, I conduct some simple research to stay in touch with you and how you feel about your own business issues. I always want to find out first-hand.


I try to keep all my surveys brief and to the point—I respect your time and appreciate your willingness to help. I also try to construct them so that they frame some of the issues for you. In other words, so that you get something out if them too.

There’s never sales pitch involved, and the information you provide is always confidential. Please subscribe to this site if you’d like to get access to the research summaries as I publish them.


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