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Consider the Source: Series Overview

Consider the Source is a project that audits the way we consume, share, and produce media.

Click to watch the series overview

Starting a new project for 2021 called Consider the Source. The above video is an overview of the concept, hope you will join me in taking part.

In short, we are losing ground. The modern media environment rewards the dumbest, loudest voices in the room. If we don’t get better at the way we consume, share, and produce media, we are going to lose battle after battle. The risk of this is great: The ideals we cherish will never be realized.

For those of you following along on my podcast, you know I’ve been doing a lot of thinking lately about what we can do about it. I don’t have the answers, but that’s not what’s important. My role is to help catalyze the conversations that need to happen among smart, connected people like you. To be able to get better at taking strong, positive ideas and speaking them with clarity and empathy.

Guess what? That’s marketing. It won’t solve all of our issues, but it’s a key component in the solution. That’s my contention. And an area where I can (maybe) help, given my background.

I’m using Patreon as a platform because I want this community to be people who really want to be here, not just spraying this on social to no one who cares. Be here because you want to. Take part. I’m here to listen to you as much as you are here to listen to me.


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