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Building a Course for Writers

Authors, writing, publishing, self-publishingWriting, writing writing—I continue to make good progress with the Glass Box Project. As the book is unfolding, I’ve been thinking about a new parallel venture. I’m considering whether or not I should create an online course for authors/writers, too.

The course would be centered around the idea of 1) producing good content and 2) building an audience while you do it. To me, these two things are intertwined. If you or your business needs an audience, you need to produce compelling content. The only way to get better at writing is to do it consistently and in public. These two things work hand in hand to build relationships and cement trust in you and your work.

I have a ton of material written so far for the Glass Box Project. That content would all have to be re-factored to produce a course, but it’s not a huge jump. I figure that people respond to different modalities. Different people learn in different ways.

So here’s the top-level, working outline that I’m considering:

  1. Setting Up Your Business
  2. Establishing Your Brand: Pre-Product Marketing
  3. Book Project Plan: Investment Strategy and Product Planning
  4. Product Development: Writing, Refining, Validating
  5. Industry Issues: Partnerships, Contracts, Rights, and Licensing
  6. Production, Manufacturing, and Delivery
  7. Post-Product Marketing and Promotion

This outline is different than that of the book project, but it is heavily informed by the research that I’ve been conducting on the problems and challenges that non-fiction writers face. You can see (or even take!) the survey here I’ve been getting some really good insight, and I intend to share a summary of the results when I’m done.

So what do you think? Tell me if you think this is a good outline or not—and if you think this course idea is worthwhile or not. Would this help you solve your particular issues? Let me hear from you, via the comments section below, Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, or Google+!

Thanks for reading, as always–I appreciate all the feedback and encouragement!

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